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Welcome to the
NFFARC Jeep Club

A Division of the Nuevo Friends and Family Amateur Radio Club

NFFARC Jeep Club logo image

Coming Soon! The Jeep Club division of the Nuevo Friends and Family Amateur Radio Club is hitting the web!

Matts Wrecker Games thumbnail image Matt's Off-Road Wrecker Games 2023 - NFFARC Jeep Club sends a deligation to the first Matt's Off-Road Wrecker Games at Sand Hollow State Park in Utah. The event took place March 8 through 12, 2023. Details and pics coming soon!


Bradshaw Trail thumbnail image NFFARC Jeep Club makes it's inaugural run, February 2022! KI6WD and N6QYQ take the historic Bradshaw Trail through the Southern California desert. With side trips into Augustine Pass and Amy's wash, this trip was one to remember! Click here for a map and pictures.


Thanks for visiting and 73! - NFFARC

  • Helpful Links:
  • Dispersed Camping Sites in the San Bernardino National Forest
    Campground Camping Sites in the San Bernardino National Forest
    Coming soon: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) camping and use

    Be aware of your surroundings. These creatures inhabit and have been seen by us in the areas we visit. Remember, you are visiting their home.
    Bear Facts
    Rattlesnake Facts
    Cougar Facts


    Have a question or comment? Click here to contact the NFFARC.

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    Under Construction
    Still building...

    Nuevo, California, 92567
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